Pay off student loans faster or earn extra pocket money through Work That Works.
Let’s start a conversation about connecting your workforce needs with local area students.
An innovative solution to fill the growing workforce needs of area employers and connect students at institutions of higher learning with high-paying jobs.
Work That Works is not an internship program, as many students taking part will be employed in positions that don’t necessarily relate to their areas of study.
Are you an employer looking for help with recruiting?
Let’s start a conversation about how Work that Works can benefit your organizations employment and recruiting efforts.
Are you a student looking for an open position?
These employment opportunities are flexible with individual students’ schedules, and opportunities paying up to $23 per hour.
Kendall Hunt Publishing
Hear from Stacie Halverson, Vice President of Human Resources at Kendall Hunt Publishing, Westmark Enterprises. Great River Learning, about her experience with Work That Works.